It seems lately that everyone is just so busy, me included. It feels like there are so few hours left in a day to do the things I want to get done - some days it's like there are no free hours. I wish I could find time for multitudes of things... to really keep my home as clean and organized as I'd prefer... to do all the junk purging and donating that needs to be done... to work the extra hours at work that would be so beneficial... to volunteer at the SPCA... to update this blog regularly... to post the hundreds of pictures online that I have from probably the last 12 or so months... to take the photography classes I've been yearning for... to have a consistent workout schedule... to cook the hearty and healthy meals I really want to... to spend more time outside... to actually use the many hobbies I have... to see my family and friends more... to have the consistent daily quiet time with the Lord that I want and need... and so many other things.
It looks like many other people have the same "busy" problem as I do. Many of the blogs I keep up with don't get updated like they used to. I play phone tag with people constantly. Even the people I would tag as having all the free time in the world seem to constantly be on the move.
So what's going on? Is everything in the world just getting more and more fast paced all the time? Are we doomed to just run around like crazy for the rest of our lives, with our speeds just increasing exponentially? Are any future kids I may have going to just have no hope of having any free time? (And yes, I know that in most cases kids tend to add to the busy-ness of your own life. But I tend to think that your priorities and schedules shift - I know mine would have to, because I wouldn't stay sane otherwise.)
For a long time now, I've often brainstormed about ways to slow down... to make the WORLD slow down. It seems like such an impossible feat to help the entire world do so. But for me, I could probably do it. It would take some lifestyle changes and people in my life being understanding of those changes. But a lot of times, I really think it'd be worth it. Maybe lose the cell phone for a weekend and spend that time camping and hiking in the woods, away from everything. Maybe give up some sleep... haha, sike - not a good idea - I need more now as it is. Maybe give up the few TV shows I do watch in my few spare hours a week to do some of the other things on the list. Maybe make myself even more lists than I do now, but instead of just scratching down all my random thoughts and to-dos, put aside time every day to organize my thoughts and agenda items, and make a plan so I can get it all done, and just live by a constant schedule. Heck, maybe even job changes come to mind sometimes, but that's a big consideration for another day.
This does make me think of the Andy Griffith episode with the famous tagline of, "What's your hurry?" A visiting preacher gives a sermon on slowing down in life and not being in such a hurry. Makes me wish I had as much free time as they did... sit around on a Sunday afternoon and decide to walk down the street to get ice cream, or go watch your cousin wash his car, or suddenly get the notion to revamp the old band and have a band concert the same day. :-) Here's the link to the episode if you want to see it (this is the first third, the next two are right after it):
I was searching for a funny "busy" picture to include here before I published, and I found this cartoon that perfectly depicts the priorities of the majority of today's world... made me laugh, so here ya go...
And this one is pretty good too, for a reality of the usual excuse for not exercising...
Anyway, these are more just thoughts out loud, but I'm really curious if anyone else has had a time of evaluation that I seem to be having at the moment. If so, did you make schedule or lifestyle changes? Haha, or did you just come to grips with the fact that you'll be running around like a madman forever?
(I did just realize, however, that running around like crazy does fit the name and idea of the blog... "The Nut House." But I do need some satisfaction of being able to do some of the things I want to do in life as well. Just need to find some middle ground is all... keep some of the craziness and nuttiness, but fit it in with the rest. Haha, I think I'm even going to create a new label for it.)
Compromise. Prioritize. Life changes - voluntary & involuntary. Personal choices & decisions. It changes or varies by degrees from time-to-time ... but I think this Spring & Summer will be enjoyable to you & J (after alot of the event-related issues are "behind you").
Curious ... what do you remember about freetime from your "early days" ?
I have always said no matter how much time you have in a day, you will fill it. When I was working and had no kids, I still felt like I didn't have enough time to keep the house clean. Then, when I was NOT working, but had kids, I felt I didn't have time to do ANYTHING because the kids took up so much of my time. Then, I was working and still had kids, and I felt like my work was just one more chore to handle along with the endless cleaning, organizing, paperwork, chauffering, cooking, helping with homework, taking to gymnastics, etc. Now, I'm not working as much and I STILL feel like my days are full from start to finish. So, no matter if you find yourself with a delicious few hours of "time", you will fill it. It depends on what you fill it with - errands, shopping, getting a big chore done, or just spend it reading a book or sitting quietly or napping. I think in this world we live in, we are just programmed to "fill" time and no one knows how to just sit and reflect anymore.
ML - You know, that's exactly the point I was trying to make. It's not like I set out every day to fill every second of my free time with something - it just happens. Maybe unconsciously we do it on purpose, I don't know. But what I want the most is to have the time to actually sit and reflect - I value life enough to do that. Carving out/setting aside the time to do that is definitely now a priority.
Dad - not sure what "early days" your asking about - how early are we talking?
Pre-teens. My comment being that alot of this is age, priority & perspective ... b/c I suspect (no, I know) during your pre-teen days of school, friends, play time, beach trips with grents, etc. there was alot of "busy" taking place ... it just wasn't amongst your "things to pay attention to" list.
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