Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Day That Started Last Night

(aka "The Night Post That Almost Was")

Today was quite a day.  It actually started during the night last night with me waking up nauseous and sicky feeling.  I haven't had that feeling in a long, long time, but I used to get it in college - basically indigestion that makes me feel awful unless I'm sitting up.  No clue what made it happen randomly last night, but I do know it's the one time I've actually wished it was just time to go ahead and get up for work - no such luck.  I tried to lay halfway propped up on my back pillow for a while because I was so darn tired, but all that got me was a sore neck and some light rest.  I was thiiiiis close to just getting up and coming downstairs, which inevitably would have led me to do exactly what I'm doing right now, because everybody knows there's nothing on TV at 2 or 3 am.  But somehow I was able to fall back asleep, because next thing I know, I was being woken up and told it was time to get up for work.  Hooray...

It's funny, because today was a big meeting at work, and I had some mapping to finish up this morning before lunch and leaving for the meeting this afternoon.  So I had actually done really well last night with getting things done early here at home, pulling everything together for today, getting showered, and winding down before turning the light out at a decent time so I could get some good rest and be ready to go today.  Haha, shows what I know.

Due to that extremely weird schedule, I had some really foggy moments at work, as well as some really on-the-ball moments.  Meeting went well, but a lot of the day was spent in the rain, trying to keep maps and meeting materials dry.  Not complaining though, because we desperately need the rain, and it certainly helped cool things down a bit around here.  But the rain definitely doesn't help with my drowsiness!

I even left work for home before rush hour, since I'd gotten to work early this morning.  But this immediately began the most tense part of my day by far.  The traffic on the ramp to my main thoroughfare to get home was at a stand-still.  After trudging along and cresting the hill, I could see something a ways away that was completely across the road, blocking both outbound lanes.  As I got closer, we all had to merge into one lane to turn off into a neighborhood... at 5:00pm... in Raleigh... downtown.  As I turned, I got a good glimpse of the problem:

Maybe got stuck pulling out?  Trying to straddle the median and see what his truck can do?  I have no idea.  I do know that I sure hope he wasn't taking that SUV back to its owners.

Those neighborhoods are all somehow connected over to another major road... that just happens to be shut down in various areas right now for repair.  Of course.  And I don't even know my way through these little neighborhoods anyway, but I just went the opposite way of all the stupid traffic.  I followed what my direction sense was telling me, and at least made it back to downtown, not even a mile from my work.  Great... just wasted 30 minutes.  But I found another way out to try, which turned out to be not so bad.  I even got to ride through the new Hillsborough St. project, which was neat to see...

Pretty new medians...

I eventually made my way back to my main thoroughfare to get home, which I had to do because this whole time, I was in the staff car.  Gotta love that I not only had to detour all around Raleigh for the heck of it, but I couldn't even be in the comfort of my own vehicle to do it.  Oh well.  If another person has to drive the staff car before I have it again next week, I hope I can plead my case to them as to why I didn't refill the gas tank.

To top it all off, on the way home, this was the weather (which also reflects the general feeling I had by this time)...

Dreary and worn down...

Regardless of the good and bad, overall, today feels like it was one of the busiest I've had in a while.  Which is odd, because time-wise, it really wasn't.  But it's funny what the contents of your day can do to how you feel about it.  Yet another reason I'm not a fan of Raleigh.

Well, at least it ended pretty nicely.  I have a kind husband who was waiting at home for me and willing to head out for a nice, relaxing dinner out at the steak house for a change.  Now I'm home, a good hot shower helped wash off the day, I'm in my comfy clothes, squishy socks have replaced the day's nice shoes, and it's time to get some rest and try to replace last night's weirdness.

Tomorrow is another day!


Wolfpack79 said...

Glad the meeting went well & was successful ... what a day !!

Sarah said...

Yes, it was quite the day... I was very worn out last night. Slept a lot better though, thank goodness!