Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday TAGS 8-24-09

Well since I started this last Friday, and mentioned my immense fondness of Andy Griffith (thanks to my awesome family!), I thought I might try to give you a little dose of TAGS (The Andy Griffith Show, for all you newbies) each week if I can. We'll see how that goes.

This is a video from Youtube of one of my favorite songs sung by The Darlings on the show. There are a lot I'd love to show you right now, but if I'm going to make it weekly, I'm going to have to be patient and stretch it out. :-) In the meantime, this truly is one of my favorites, and an extremely beautiful song (warning - it is bluegrass, fyi for all you who are not so fond of the twang). The Dillards (the guys who make up the instrumentalists in the Darling family) also do their own version where one of the men sings, but I just love this version with Charlene singing so much better. It's very moving, and the music is beautiful.

And, in the midst of the song and its mood, I love how they keep a little humor with Briscoe crying, even though he's trying to "fight it."

Well that's it for now. Let me know if TAGS Fridays is gonna be Andy Griffith overload on ya, or if you vote a thumbs up for it. :-) Me and my congested head are going to take some Benadryl and get some sleep. Going to a bridal shower for my cousin Liz tomorrow, and I get to see my family tomorrow and Sunday! Not much better than that. :-) (Especially since it's FINALLY the weekend!)


MAMMA said...

Thanks to my husband, Maddison and Hayden will both CHOSE to watch Andy Griffith and MASH on T.V. I never thought in a million years I would walk in and two teenagers would be watching that show. Barney always stressed me out with his voice so I never really watched it growing up. (besides, it conflicted with "He Man and the Masters of the Universe) hahaha!
Just so you know, there are 2 more fans to keep it going!

Sarah said...

Haha Monica that's great!! Tell them to tune in here later today - I'm going to upload a new Andy Griffith. (You might not like it, haha Barney does some singing in it!)